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We work the land at nature’s pace; consciously and sustainably.

Our convictions ensure we use organic methods to produce our wines, nuts and olive oil. Committed to the land, and to those who work it, we generate life while adhering to the principles of truthfulness, authenticity and transparency.

Tapada de Coelheiros has existed for over 500 years. Just the right amount of time. No more, no less. We use a future-driven agricultural model that regenerates today what is needed tomorrow.

Tapada de Coelheiros Manifesto

By having different crops together, we bring out the best in biodiversity: the natural balance of things.

We respect the soil’s microbiome, which responds by becoming more resilient. Seeing it heal and regenerate with our contribution is gratifying.

We never forget that we’re just the guardians of something priceless, shouldering our responsibility to be ever aware and brave.

The future is built step by step and hand in hand with the overwhelming force of nature.

Tapada de Coelheiros Imagem Aérea